Making Time With God A Priority

Woman Reading Bible

Our time is a precious commodity; we have only so much of it every day, and how we spend it is a reflection of what is most important to us. Time with His heavenly Father was not just important to the Lord Jesus, but absolutely necessary—how could He accomplish His mission on earth without strength and power from His Father?

When we become Christians, we are committing our lives to God through Jesus: we make Him Lord and begin a new relationship with Him. Like any relationship, it needs time to foster and grow. But this isn’t just any relationship; it is the most important one you will ever have. So every day, you’ll want to take time away from the distractions in your life and make it a priority to spend time with the God of the universe. It is an awesome privilege to be able to meet with God; it will transform you like nothing else will…

    1. Making Your Time With God a Priority

      Making anything a priority in life requires a key ingredient: desire—you have to truly want it. If your heart genuinely longs for something, you will naturally find a way to make it a priority. For God to hold the highest place in your life, this desire must be real and deep. No one else can instill it in you; it’s something that must resonate within your own spirit.

      Think about the things in life that you’ve deeply desired or aspired to achieve. How much effort did you put into realizing those dreams? This principle applies to your relationship with God as well. When your desire to know Him is strong, you’ll be creative and diligent in finding time to spend with Him.

      But what if the desire is there, yet your schedule is overwhelming? This might require you to get creative in integrating Bible reading and prayer into your day. Whether it’s listening to Scripture during a commute, praying in brief moments throughout the day, or setting aside just a few minutes before sleep, every effort to connect with God’s Word is valuable and transformative.

    2. When

      Finding the best time to spend with God is a personal choice and depends on your daily routine. Some people find that early morning is ideal—a time when the day is fresh, and distractions are minimal. Others might find evening or even late at night works best, when the day’s responsibilities are behind them. The key is consistency—choosing a time that you can commit to regularly.

    3. Where

      Your quiet time with God should be in a place where you can focus, free from distractions. It could be a specific chair in your living room, a cozy corner in your bedroom, or even outside in nature. The important thing is that it’s a space where you can connect with God without interruptions.

    4. What Should I Study?

      Start with the Bible—God’s living Word. You might begin with the Gospels, which tell the story of Jesus’ life and ministry, or the Psalms, which offer prayers and praises that resonate with the human experience. You could also follow a devotional guide or study plan to help structure your time. The goal is to immerse yourself in Scripture, allowing it to speak to your heart and guide your life.

    5. What Should I Pray For?

      Prayer is your conversation with God. Begin with praise and thanksgiving, acknowledging His goodness and the blessings in your life. Then, bring your requests before Him—your needs, the needs of others, and anything on your heart. Remember, Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer as a model for how we should pray, emphasizing worship, submission to God’s will, daily dependence, forgiveness, and guidance. Don’t forget to listen; prayer is a two-way communication, and God often speaks to us in the quiet moments of reflection.

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