Introduction to the Bible

What is the Bible?

Chances are you’ve heard of the Bible, you may even have one in your home – somewhere. You know that it is about God and  seems to be a list of dos and don’ts. But perhaps the idea of reading it has intimidated you or maybe you just don’t feel that it’s  relevant to your life today or to modern society.

Maybe you do have some degree of familiarity with the Bible; you try to read it now and again and even make some attempt to do what it says. You consider yourself a fairly good person.

Or maybe you consider yourself a Born-Again Christian and have committed your life to Jesus. You read the Bible and pray everyday and make every attempt to do what you know God wants you to do.

Well, where ever you are at with your familiarity with the Bible there is one fact that remains: the Bible is and remains the best-selling and most read Book of all time.

In 1455, Gutenberg produced what is considered to be the first book ever printed: the Bible.  It has since become the most widely read and widely distributed book in the world. Every year more copies of the Bible are printed than any book ever published and in over 2000 languages. Amazingly, those numbers just keep growing every year. What is it about the Bible that has captivated people for thousands of years? What is it that could attract so much attention ? Why is the Bible considered the most important Book that was ever written?

Can You Understand The Bible by so many?

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